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6 Budget Friendly Holiday Dates

6 Budget Friendly Holiday Dates

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!  I’m obsessed with Christmas and the warm feelings and love that often accompanies the holiday season. The thing I don’t love about the holiday season? How pricey it can get. Before you know it you’ve spent hundreds, maybe even a thousand dollars in a two month span and I’m just not on that wave.

The holiday season can also be a huge season for romance and love as well and that’s why I wanted to give you all some holiday date ideas that won’t break the bank. These ideas are easily customizable so you can make them more or less expensive depending on your budget. Keep in mind that these dates can also be done with just you and your honey or all of your other couple friends.Try these out with your boo thang and I promise you’ll be in the holiday spirit in no time!

Holiday events in your city

You know that tree lighting ceremony that your town has every year or the holiday parade that goes through your downtown area? You probably went to it as a kid and the truth is it can be just as fun as an adult. Mix up some hot chocolate at your house and bring it in one of your reusable thermoses and head out to see the tree get lit up. Check Facebook or other sites for information about what is going on in your town.

Give back

Volunteer at your local animal shelter, participate in Meals on Wheels, or put together shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Do something. I don’t mean simply giving money (which is also thoughtful and necessary) but try to give back by sacrificing some of your time and giving of yourself. Regardless of what you choose to do, giving your time and effort is an awesome way to be reminded of the real reason for the season.

Christmas Karaoke

Do you know all the words to All I Want for Christmas is You? Do you think you can hit the notes better than Mariah? Get together with other couples and let them be the judge. You can turn it into Show Time at the Apollo: Christmas edition - with your friends. Mix up some holiday cocktail recipes from pinterest and sing your heart out.

Netflix and Cookies

I’ve watched the Christmas Prince 4x already this year with no shame. Curl up with hot chocolate, bake some Christmas cookies from scratch or use the Pillsbury ones and put on your favorite Christmas flick! You can also nix the cookies and make a gingerbread house or do dinner and a Christmas movie with friends. Make it a potluck and use that Netflix subscription that you’re mooching off of your parents to keep it under budget.

All of the lights

Light shows are my favorite holiday activity and there’s probably some in your area. You can find free light shows that allow you to simply stand or pull up a lawn chair. You can also find drive through light shows that often times will have discount nights on their least busy nights. If they charge by the carload, split the cost amongst couples. If you’re looking for the free version of this, drive through a variety of neighborhoods during the holidays and look at all the decorations and lights. Pack your snacks just in case you get hungry while in the car.


This is my new date night obsession because it gives you something tangible to remember from the date. Wreath making, painting ornaments (I just got cute monogram ones from the dollar section of Target), making picture frames, or decorating stockings are some of my favorite ideas. Once your crafts are done, use them to help decorate your home so that you and your partner have reminders of how much you love each other and how much fun you had creating these memories.

The holiday season and the obligations that come with it can consume you, your wallet, and your relationship but it doesn’t have to. Keep your budget and your relationship in tact with these ideas! What is your favorite holiday date? Let me know. Stay tuned for more holiday content coming soon!

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