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Gift Guide for the New Year, New Me

Gift Guide for the New Year, New Me

Every year around this time I see a ton of posts that mock people who make New Year’s resolutions. Gym junkies express their annoyance at those who are newcomers. Critics say you shouldn’t wait for a specific date to set goals for yourself or that most people who make New Year’s resolutions don’t follow through. I’d love to challenge that idea. There’s nothing wrong with using a year as a turning point to make changes in your life and that’s why I’ve created this gift guide. If 2019 is the year that you or those around you want to meet financial goals, meet health goals or get more organized then this is perfect for you!

1. Envelopes-

The cash envelope method is very popular in the debt free community. The idea is that you spend less frivolously and won’t go over budget when you shop with cash. There are some who use this for every aspect of their budget while others use it for specific line items in their budget. These envelopes not only hold your cash but they also have space for you to write down every time you spend the cash and how much you spent.


2. Budget book-

If you’re looking to get your financial life together one of the biggest steps to doing so is creating a budget. Creating a budget for myself in 2018 was one of the best things I’ve ever done. Budgeting helped me get my financial life together. While there are multiple levels to budgeting these books are a great resources for budgeters of all stages. This is a great gift for your friend who says they want to get a handle on their finances but they don’t know where to start. It’s also a great gift for yourself. I know I’ll be getting myself one!



3. Planner/calendar-

I don’t know about you but a good planner is essential to keeping my life together. Writing things down helps me get stuff done and I know i’m not the only one. A cute planner is motivation to keep yourself organized and this is such a cute one. I’m a fan of all things paper source including their adorable desk calendars!


4. Meal prep containers-

Meal prepping is a great way to not only save money but a great way to meet your health goals! When you cook at home you spend less money and you can control what goes into your food. These containers make meal prep a lot more simple. I’m a little impartial because I absolutely love my Pyrex set but they are pretty pricey and they don’t have the separators like the Ez Prepa containers. However, I’ve found that the Pyrex is overall better quality and you can usually find them on sale at Walmart during the holidays and for a great price at the Corningware Outlet year round.



5. Lunch box-

A good lunch box is a great way to keep up with your new year’s resolution of bringing your meal prep for lunch! I just recently bought a new lunch box from Sam’s Club that I love because it’s roomy, it came with it’s own stackable tupperware and it looks like a cute purse! I know that not everyone has a Sam’s card so I’ve linked a few of my favorite lunch boxes. The first one is one I actually own and I absolutely love because it’s roomy and durable.



6. Weights to work out at home-

Working out in the gym may not be your jam and that’s okay. These weights enable you to work out at home and are for a great price! You can go up or down in the total weight which is perfect for your friends with a variety of fitness levels.



7. Grocery Store gift cards-

These are a simple stocking stuffer. Grocery store gift cards are helpful for the person who is looking to switch up or start their cooking journey in the new year. New meal preppers will need to stock up on pantry essentials and these gift cards will help them do so.

8. Workout apparel-

Moderately priced workout apparel is always a good gift for the person who is looking to meet their fitness goals in the new year. Towards the end of the year a ton of high quality brands will be on sale so keep an eye out for those deals. I’m also a huge fan of Old Navy’s activewear and you can always find something good at my holy grails (Marshall’s and TJMaxx).

I’m supportive of anyone trying to make a change in the coming year and you should be too! Goal setting can be overwhelming but your goals can seem more in reach when you have a community around you. Use your Christmas gifts to help create that community for the people in your life that want to make 2019 their year!

What goals do you have for 2019? Let me know in the comments below!

Stay Sassy,


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